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The simplest way to read the items in a space is to use the space.db.query() method. It's also possible to obtain strongly typed results as described below.

Untyped Queries

Once access is obtained to a space, objects can be retrieved:

import { Client } from '@dxos/client';

const client = new Client();

async () => {
  await client.initialize();

  // get a list of all spaces
  const spaces = client.spaces.get();

  // grab a space
  const space = spaces[0];

  // get all items
  const allObjects = await space.db.query().run();

  // get items that match a filter
  const tasks = await space.db.query({ type: 'task' }).run();

  // get items that match a predicate
  const finishedTasks = await space.db
    .query((doc: any) => doc.type === 'task' && doc.completed)




The result is an iterable collection of objects that can be used like an array.

Typed Queries

It's possible to receive strongly typed results from query. This is done by declaring a type using Effect Schemaopen in new window for the objects in the space.

Benefits of schema declarations
  • ability to generate type-safe data access code, which makes development faster and safer.

Consider this expression of schema declared with Effect Schema:

import { Schema as S } from '@effect/schema';

import { TypedObject } from '@dxos/echo-schema';

export class TaskType extends TypedObject({
  typename: '',
  version: '0.1.0',
  name: S.String,
  completed: S.optional(S.Boolean),
}) {}

Types can be used to make queries as well:

import { Client } from '@dxos/client';
import { Filter } from '@dxos/client/echo';

import { TaskType } from './schema';

const client = new Client({ types: [TaskType] });

async () => {
  await client.initialize();

  // get a list of all spaces
  const spaces = client.spaces.get();

  // grab a space
  const space = spaces[0];

  // get items that match a filter: type inferred from Task.filter()
  const tasks = await space.db.query(Filter.schema(TaskType)).run();



Note the client.addTypes call which registers the generated types with the client.