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Class Shell

Class Shell

Declared in packages/sdk/client/src/services/shell.ts:46open in new window

Interface for controlling the shell.


constructor(options)open in new window

Returns: Shell


options: ShellParams


displayopen in new window

Type: ShellDisplay


createIdentity()open in new window

Create a new identity. Opens the shell and starts the identity creation flow.

Returns: Promise<InitializeIdentityResult>

Arguments: none

joinIdentity(options)open in new window

Join an existing identity. Opens the shell and starts the device invitation flow based on the given options.

Returns: Promise<InitializeIdentityResult>


options: object

joinSpace(options)open in new window

Join an existing space. Opens the shell and starts the space join flow based on the given options.

Returns: Promise<JoinSpaceResult>


options: object

onDisplayChange(cb)open in new window

Listen for changes to the shell display.

Returns: UnsubscribeCallback


cb: function

onReset(cb)open in new window

Listen for reset event.

Returns: UnsubscribeCallback


cb: function

open(layout, options)open in new window

Open the shell with the given layout.

Returns: Promise<void>


layout: ShellLayout

options: Omit<LayoutRequest, "layout">

setInvitationUrl(request)open in new window

Returns: Promise<void>


request: object

shareIdentity()open in new window

Invite a new device to join the current identity. Opens the shell and presents a device invitation.

Returns: Promise<ShareIdentityResult>

Arguments: none

shareSpace(options)open in new window

Invite new members to join the current space. Opens the shell to the specified space, showing current members and allowing new members to be invited.

Returns: Promise<ShareSpaceResult>


options: object