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Interface ConfigPluginOpts

Interface ConfigPluginOpts

Declared in sdk/config/src/plugin/types.ts


configPathopen in new window

Type: string

Path to the DX config files, defaults to current working directory.

devPathopen in new window

Type: string

Path to the development overrides for DX config.

envopen in new window

Type: string[]

Environment variables to be passed to the app.

envPathopen in new window

Type: string

Path to the environment variable overrides for DX config.

modeopen in new window

Type: string

If set to production then config loaders behave differently:

  • Local returns an empty object
  • Dynamics is enabled and makes an HTTP request to the well known config endpoint for config.

publicUrlopen in new window

Type: string

Public URL of the published app. Also used to load the dynamic config.